Monday, March 16, 2009

AbOut Me!!!

Hy everyone!!!!

I don't really understand so much about blogger,but I'm trying to do my best for you to know me better =)

Well, I'm still a tennager, I'm nineteen and in spite of be young I thing that I have gone through a lot of things in my life. I like to break the daily routine. I dislike doing the same things everyday. So I always try to visit new places and do new things generally with my boyfriend- who is the person that makes me live the life in a different and funny way.

On the other hand, I'm very shy- when there are people that I don't know. I'm an introverted person and when I feel bad about something people don't really know what happen to me. I always try to hide my feelings to don't involve to people in my problems.

That's all for now!!
Then I'll write more

See you around!!!!


  1. dear feña:
    i dont understand why you are shy!! you shouldn`t ..
    i liked the way you writed. specially when you say that you like to brack the rutine, that is good!
    it says you are a fun pearson, and now, i understand why your relationship has been so long, congratiolations! i would like that, too!

    so, see you soon
    take care!!

  2. Hi Feña!

    How are you doing?

    Mmmm what you wrote it's kind of interesting to me.
    I used to have this image about you like an extrovert girl. But it's nice to see how you look yourself.

    See you!

    "La Vale"

  3. dear feña,
    I have the same feeling when I am in front of unknown people but I am making my best effort to ignore it because with the time it could become a stone in the road, a stopping to develop ourself in public.
    see you soon
    my best wishes :P

  4. First of all. I really laughed when I read "El blog de la feña" haha it was fun.

    well, I dont think that you are a shy girl! I mean. Thats what I see but maybe I am wrong.

    Well. I liked to read about you and your life.


  5. Hello
    nice blog. Well, I'm writing you because I need to write in 2 blogs pore. haha, but well, nice to meet you by blog.
    See you around!

  6. Hi Fer !
    It was really interesting to read you.I dind't know a lot of things about you.
    Kisses !
    See U in class ! :D
