Friday, June 5, 2009

Are schools killing creativity?

Today I watched a really interesting video at the university. In that video we can see a creativity expert talking about the lack of creativity at schools. This topic is something that involves all of us- students of pedagogy, because that's the painful reality that children and teenagers live at schools. There, they are being educated to be excellent workers in the future instead of being creative persons in their life.

I think that in the video we can see reflected what is going on at school. Nowadays, Schools are not making think to the students, at school children are only doing what their teachers say they have to do which is horrible. Our society is not going to be different if at school- where children and teenagers are most of their time their teachers do not let to student be creative and have critical thinking.

I strongly agree with Ken Robinson. I think that schools are killing creativity. I think that the Education system emphasize in the theoretical subjects as literature, math, biology and so on and doesn’t give the importance that creativity subjects have as music, arts, etc. That situation is something that is being like that in most of the countries, and our country is not the exception.

When I was at school, the situation was not different. I was in a “cientifico humanista” school and it was focused in that their students get good marks in the SIMCE and PSU. So the teachers there never take care about creativity aspect that students have to develop.


  1. I totally agree with your opinion.
    I've write almost the same, but My scholar story is different. I could do whatever I wanted.
    I think that I'm me because of that.
    Good comment!!!

    See you

  2. So, what can you do to change things?
